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Since childhood, I've been drawn to experimenting with and exploring various art forms such as drawing, painting, and sculpting. Ceramics, in particular, has captured my interest due to its unique qualities. Working with ceramics is both enjoyable and challenging, offering infinite creative possibilities. It serves as a rich medium of expression that demands technical proficiency.

Having been trained as a scientist, the idea of changing careers had been brewing in my mind for a few years, and in January 2018, I finally took the leap. I enrolled in classes with a ceramist and connected with various professionals who offered diverse perspectives on their craft. These experiences solidified my passion for ceramics, leading me to pursue it further by enrolling in a pottery throwing course

After completing this year-long training, I sought to expand my skills and explore new techniques not covered during the program, such as plaster work, sculpting, calligraphy, and decoration. To achieve this, I applied to Maison de la Céramique. During my time there, I not only broadened my ceramic horizons but also used the opportunity to refine my artistic tastes and define the direction of my practice.


In April 2024, I relocated to the Leopon workshop in the heart of Lyon. Here, I devote my time to crafting both utilitarian and sculptural pieces, shaping my artistic vision into tangible creations.

Creative universe

In my work, I aim to explore the things I love: the animal world and stories. I strive to convey positive emotions, creating ceramics that are friendly and playful, bringing joy to everyday life.

I have a genuine fascination for nature, which is an endless source of inspiration. It offers an incredible variety of shapes, colors, textures, behaviors... I am compelled to explore this realm not only for aesthetic purposes but also out of scientific curiosity. Acquiring new knowledge and understanding the world around me has always been a driving force in my work.

In addition to this biologist's quest, there is a narrative aspect. Legends and stories play a significant role in my creations. Mythical creatures, classic tales, Shinto deities... intersect and converge in my pieces. These narratives are a rich source of inspiration, deeply rooted in collective imagination and symbolism. My pieces may evoke stories, inviting the audience to invent their own narratives.

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